Shubhangi is a final year dental student who has extensively volunteered and committed her time to various social impact and climate change justice groups. As a result, she is deeply committed to and has actively contributed to, the eradication of educational inequities, environmental change, healthcare, gender equality, and fostering of a culture of peace, particularly through the UN SDGs framework. She is particularly interested in exploring the intersection of health, energy and climate justice for a more equitable future.

Highest Education: English Honors (School of Open Learning) - Delhi University

Date of Joining: March 3, 2023

Date Of Completion: June 3, 2023


Over the next year, my focus will be on enhancing my skills and knowledge in the public health sector. I am passionate about developing and executing programs that positively impact communities' oral health, and I look forward to taking charge of such programs. I intend to lead community oral health awareness programs, oral cancer awareness programs, and tobacco cessation programs, where I can apply my expertise and contribute to the betterment of the society. Once I graduate, I plan to take on more significant responsibilities in these projects during my internship. With more time on my hands, I am confident that I can make a substantial contribution to these programs and further my professional growth.

In the next three years, I aspire to pursue a master's degree in public health policy and international relations. I am convinced that this interdisciplinary approach will help me address global health issues effectively. Through my advanced education and training, I hope to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on public health on a global scale.