Welcome to our platform, where innovation meets empowerment, and communities thrive through knowledge and technology. At the core of our mission is the belief that informed communities are empowered communities. Through a range of cutting-edge initiatives, we are dedicated to fostering learning, promoting healthy choices, enhancing public health, and combating misinformation. Let’s take a closer look at some of our flagship projects:

Sangyan Podcast: Creating a Community of Learners

Sangyan Podcast is not just a series of audio episodes, it is a vibrant community of learners.Through their easy accessibility and convenient format,podcasts engage diverse audience, fostering awareness, education, and behavior change on a wide range of health topics.Sangyan will facilitate creating community of learners from all walks of life to share accurate, reliable and trusted sources of health information.

DietDSS Dashboard: Empowering Communities with Healthy Choices

Making healthy dietary choices can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be with solutions at our doorstep.DietDSS Dashboard is Personalized human-centered dietary decision support system . By leveraging data analytics and user-friendly interfaces, DietDSS empowers communities to make informed decisions about their diets. From personalized recommendations to educational resources, this dashboard supports the journey of the user towards a healthier lifestyle.

Publication Title: Effect of Personalized Human-Centered Dietary Decision Support System (PHCDDSS) on Dietary Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP), and Mean Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) Among Participants with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Community-Based Settings of Northern States of India

v-INSPIRE Public Health Dashboard: Informing and Educating Communities

In response to the escalating demand for skilled public health professionals, there has been a significant surge in the number of public health programs offered across India. However, the absence of a regulatory council has resulted in limited accessibility to information regarding these programs.

Our innovative Public Health Programs Dashboard seeks to address this gap by consolidating information on all public health programs onto a single platform. This initiative not only aims to provide comprehensive details about the various programs available but also to shed light on the distinctive characteristics of public health education across India’s diverse geographical and regional landscapes.

Publication Title: The current state of public health education in India: A scoping review

SMAART RapidTracker: Combating COVID-19 Misinformation

In the fight against COVID-19, misinformation is as contagious as the virus itself. SMAART RapidTracker is our response to this challenge. As a global policy informatics tool,SMAART RapidTracker sifts through vast amounts of data to identify, debunk, and counteract misinformation about COVID-19. By promoting accurate information and critical thinking, SMAART RapidTracker helps communities navigate through pandemic times with confidence.

SHINE-SMAARTHub:  Promoting Health Literacy through Informatics

Health literacy is essential for making informed decisions about our well-being. That’s why we created SHINE-SMAARTHub. This innovative platform combines informatics and nutrition education to empower communities with the knowledge and skills they need to lead healthier lives. From interactive modules to community workshops, SHINE-SMAARTHub is a beacon of health literacy in an increasingly complex world.

Publication Title: Need and Importance of Nutrition Informatics in India: A Perspective

In conclusion, our initiatives are more than just projects; they’re catalysts for positive change. By fostering learning, promoting healthy choices, enhancing public health, and combating misinformation, we’re building a brighter future for communities around the world. Join us on this journey, and together, let’s empower change.

Written by: Dr. Mansi Guaniyal, Public Health Researche, FHTS