I am an innovative and committed individual with strong interpersonal skills. My intellectual curiosity in science and medicine makes me a lifelong learner. I achieve a sense of fulfillment by helping others in whichever way I can, and therefore, I am curious to advance my skills in the field of Public Health and pursue a career in the same.

Highest Education: M. Sc - Bharathiar University

Date of Joining: July 17, 2023

Date Of Completion: October 17, 2023


1. Receiving exposure and expanding my knowledge around Public Health diseases, concerns, policies, solutions and so on.
2. Sharpening my research and interactive skills.
3. Learning data analysis.
4. Preparing myself to pursue an MPH degree and networking with like-minded people, whom I can learn from.
5. Exploring the wide nuances of careers and jobs in Public Health to understand which role I will potentially fit in and should aim to work for in the future.


My experience as a Public Health Intern at FHTS has been learning and fulfilling so far. I have been supervised by a team of not only knowledgeable but considerate and motivating individuals. I have been able to complete all the tasks assigned to me effectively due to the support provided by the mentors. They understood both my caliber and limitations. I have learned persuasive communication, health camp setting, creation of easy and culturally relevant content for self- management of NCDs, consumer health informatics and real-time applications of research using technological solutions. The field trips helped me to understand people from all walks of life better and taught me ways to spread awareness in a way that can be perceived by all of them. I have been able to connect with the community better as a Public Health Educator.